Massachusetts Condo Association Insurance Programs > Directors & Officers Insurance:

In any situation where you’re representing another person or group of people, there is the chance that they could be dissatisfied with how you represent them, leaving you in danger of claims and lawsuits. This is where Directors & Officers Liability Insurance comes into play, as it will guard a condominium association and its directors and officers against claims of wrongful acts. Every business should have a D&O policy, but these policies are particularly important for condominium associations as they frequently see individuals acting on behalf of their association and their residents, and they have a wide range of responsibilities that expands their exposures.
Common Exposure:
There is a near-endless list of things that could potentially lead to a lawsuit for directors and officers of a condominium association. Overall, the main thing that directors and officers need to be mindful of is how their residents feel they are being treated; if they feel that they are being treated unfairly or that the directors and officers are not fully performing their duties, they could be moved to file a suit. Here are some of the most common causes of D&O Claims (all of which we provide coverage for): Just to name a few:
- Breach of fiduciary duty
- Breach of contract
- Discrimination
- Employment practices liability
- Wrongful foreclosure
- Harassment
- Negligence
- Misuse of funds
Our Policy:
At Savin Jones Insurance, we protect the association as well as its individual board members from claims of wrongful acts, and offer some of the best enhancements available in the market today. The policy, in addition to covering the association and its members, provides legal defense, coverage for monetary and non-monetary claims, and coverage for insurable damages.
Our policy is also not restricted to just the association and its directors and officers: we cover trustees as well. Because of this, there won’t be any confusion about whether the policy extends to an individual: the association and its individuals are protected.
Savin Jones:
Since 1996, Savin Jones Insurance has built an impressive reputation offering Insurance Products for the Massachusetts Condo Association Community. We also offer Mass Personal Auto Insurance, Mass Homeowners Insurance and Business Insurance products as well. Savin Jones and our team take pride in offering committed services to the community and provide unparalleled access to high-quality coverage, competitive premiums, superior markets, and detailed customer service!

We are very competitive with our Master Condo Insurance Policies (in most cases saving you Hundreds of Dollars)
Call us, Click and or just walk into our our office.

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