Tuesday, April 20, 2021 How Can I Save Money on My Massachusetts Home / Homeowners Insurance? CLICK HERE FOR A HOME INSURANCE QUOTE IN JUST 5 SECONDS! Make Sure You’re Not Over-Insured Insurance is designed to provide you with financial protection against many what-if scenarios, and it’s good to have a policy in place to protect one of the largest assets you own. READ MORE >>
Thursday, April 1, 2021 Excellent Car Insurance Rates For You Auto Insurance in Massachusetts will tend to inch up over time. By shopping around, you might find that your current insurer offers more expensive Auto Insurance and it's that it’s time to switch. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 18, 2020 What is “Walls In” Coverage? If you buy a condominium your mortgage lender may ask you to provide proof of “walls in” insurance coverage for the condominium building. But what does “walls in” mean..? READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 15, 2018 Massachusetts Condo Association Insurance Programs > Directors & Officers Insurance: In any situation where you’re representing another person or group of people, there is the chance that they could be dissatisfied with how you represent them, leaving you in danger of claims and lawsuits. READ MORE >>
Monday, August 6, 2018 Massachusetts Independent Auto Insurance Agents vs GEICO, Progressive insurance, Liberty Mutual and most all of the Direct Auto Insurance Writers (direct writers, because they write the insurance policies they sell "in house", rather than having a Massachusetts Independent Auto Insurance Agent who write for multiple Insurance Companies). READ MORE >>
Monday, May 14, 2018WHAT IS CONDO MASTER INSURANCE “WALLS IN” COVERAGE? Over the years, we’ve seen a number of lenders requiring condo unit owners to provide evidence of insurance stating that “walls in” coverage is provided by their insurance policy. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 20, 2017Not Just Insurance! Not just #AutoInsurance! We will $ave you money on your 🚗🚘 #BostonAutoInsurance and #BostonHomeInsurance.🏘🏠 Also 🏈🏈 NE @Patriots tickets and much much more than your average insurance! 🛑✔ www.savinjones. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 11, 2017 Pets not welcome in condo?? If you live in a condo, and you are considering getting a pet, then you are up against it on two fronts. One, your condo has rules. Most condo’s are not pet friendly, or at the least they are tolerated. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 4, 2017Man bit by unattended Pit Bull dog in Southie (South Boston) - Homeowner Liability Insurance - Condo - Renters - Insurance Liability with Dogs Man bit by unattended dog in Southie January 4, 2017 On Tuesday, we stumbled upon this story on our social media feed. READ MORE >>
Thursday, September 15, 2016 Condominium Association Insurance (Master Policy) Massachusetts Condominium Association Insurance (Master Policy) Property and liability coverage specifically developed for 2-26 unit residential condominiums. READ MORE >>
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