Savin Jones Insurance Agency Blog: insurance 02125
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Monday, August 22, 2016 Official Auto Insurance Program for New England Patriots Fans Click and Quote your Auto Insurance here>>>>>>> Plymouth Rock Assurance is teaming up with the Patriots to offer New England football fans a brand new experience when it comes to football and car insurance. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, August 2, 2016 New England Patriots and Mass Auto Insurance with Plymouth Rock Assurance! **Click here for a free auto insurance quote with Plymouth Rock Assurance ->>> By Michelle Williams | Email the author Follow on Twitter READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Why WE WANT YOUR MA AUTO INSURANCE!! Why?? Because, If you have Encompass Auto Insurance, Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance, Progressive Auto Insurance, Hanover Auto Insurance, GEICO Auto Insurance, MetLife Auto Insurance, and or Amica Auto Insurance, WE believe you are paying too much $$ (Even Quote us with any of the above Group Auto and Home Insurance Discounts) READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Master Insurance for Condo Associations Why you should quote us?? - We usually save you a good amount of money while increasing your insurance coverage. - We are very competitive and offer some of the best rates in the State. - We offer a variety of discounts and needed insurance coverage. READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 14, 2016 New Mass Auto Insurance Lower Rates - Quote us for your 2016 Auto Insurance Savings!! <<CLICK HERE FOR A FREE AUTO INSURANCE QUOTE >> Savin Jones Insurance stands out among Massachusetts auto insurance agencies because: READ MORE >>
Friday, December 11, 2015Mass Condo Associations - "Walls In" Coverage What is “Walls In” Coverage and when does a Borrower need it? Fannie Mae requires that lenders verify that Hazard Insurance for all common interest developments including PUD’s and condominium projects with attached units covers fixtures, equipment, and other personal property inside individual units. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 11, 2015Mass Condo Associations - "Walls In" Coverage What is “Walls In” Coverage and when does a Borrower need it? Fannie Mae requires that lenders verify that Hazard Insurance for all common interest developments including PUD’s and condominium projects with attached units covers fixtures, equipment, and other personal property inside individual units. READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 25, 2015 Aww ... Cute as a button right :) Not if he or she bites someone. Your insurance company will probably "not pay a liability suit". Here are just some of the dogs insurance companies exclude. Do you have enough money to pay out on a law suit? **We have you covered. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 10, 2014Get a Instant Auto Insurance Quote Right Now!! READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Condominium Master Insurance Policy Do you live in a Condo? Are you a Condo Trustee? If you are not a trustee forward this the to them. We could $ave you Hundreds of Dollars off your current insurance policy. Our Condominium Unit Owners Insurance Policies are made simple!! READ MORE >>
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